Ayling Hearing & Audiology Clinic

Suite 2, 23-25 Melrose Street


(03) 9521 8979

[email protected]

Doctors, ENT’s, Speech Pathologists and other Health Providers.

We are constantly updating our records of Doctors, ENT’s, Speech Pathologists

and other Health Providers.

The information you submit is only used for the purpose of maintaining our records of referral sources, forwarding prompt reports and audiograms and keeping you informed of our services.

Your details will not / will never be passed on to a third party.

You may use this to 'update' your details and suggest preferences for reporting!

Click above to refer a patient to Ayling Hearing

Referral process for GP's & Ear Nose and Throat Surgeons (E.N.T.)

AYLING HEARING can now offer services with a Medicare item no. for clients referred directly from a GP (as of March 2023) or Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist for audiological diagnostic assessment. This streamlined referral procedure will improve client care and outcomes as well as allowing patients to claim a portion of their fee from Medicare. We also see Pensioners and Veterans under the HSP (Hearing Services Program). They may be eligible for free services and subsidies towards Hearing Aids.

More information here.

Please ask your patient to contact us to discuss and verify their eligibility.

Diagnostic Audiology MEDICARE item no.'s

are as follows:


Non-determinate audiometry


Air conduction audiogram


Air and bone conduction audiogram OR air conduction and speech discrimination audiogram


Air and bone conduction and speech discrimination audiogram


Impedance audiogram involving tympanometry and measurement of static compliance and acoustic reflex (not in association with items 82309, 82312, 82315 or 82318)


Impedance audiogram involving tympanometry and measurement of static compliance and acoustic reflex (in association with items 82309, 82312, 82315 or 82318)

We are most commonly referred a comprehensive assessment which includes items 82312 and 82327 together.

Please note that MEDICARE states the the referral MUST contain the item No.'s and dated on, or before, the date of the Assessment.


Referral process for General Practitioners (G.P.)

Referring your patient to AYLING HEARING is easy, and we welcome new clients.

Either the Medical Professional or the client can phone us on

9521 8979 (or click on the link) to book an appointment an appointment.

If the client has a full assessment with us, we can send a comprehensive Audiology report back to the referrer outlining results, usually within

24 hours.

The client may be eligible for the 'Hearing Services Program' Voucher program. Information on the Office of Hearing Services program can be found by clicking here or contacting our office.


This simple guide provides an indication of when to refer to us.

Refer for a comprehensive hearing test if your patient reports any of the following;

  • Difficulty hearing in any situation

  • On-going otitis media

  • Sense of aural fullness

  • Tinnitus

  • A medically diagnosed history of other ear pathology (Otosclerosis, Perilymph fistula, Meniere’s Disease, temporal bone fracture)

  • You may also discuss a referral if you or another family member note that the patient is having difficulty.

Protect Your Hearing - Schedule a Visit with Us Today.

Ayling Hearing & Audiology Clinic

For your regular hearing evaluation, hearing aid, and ear health needs, schedule a visit with the most experienced Audiologist in the area. Get in touch today!

2 / 23-25 Melrose Street, Sandringham VIC 3191

(03) 9521 8979

© Copyright 2025. Ayling Hearing & Audiology Clinic. All Rights Reserved.